Tournament regulations
§ 1 Playing rules
Partille World Cup is played according to the IHF rules and SHF regulations. The English text is valid in interpretation issues.
1.2 Exceptions and/or clarifications to these rules will follow from § 2 and below.
Rule 4:1 paragraph. Rules 4:4-5-6-7, “Goalkeeper as a court player” . Partille World Cup is played according to the paragraphs in all age categories.
Rule 4:11, paragraph 1. “In case of an injury”. Rule is not applicable in Partille World Cup.
Rule 7:11-12, “Passive play (max. 4 passes)” . Partille World Cup is played according to the paragraphs in all age categories.
Rule 16:8, “Blue card” . Partille World Cup is played according to the paragraph in all age categories.
Rule 2:2, "Additional Bar" Partille World Cup is exempt from the rule on lowered bar from the 11th year class and down.
Rule 2:4, "Resin/wax" Partille World Cup allows the use of glue from 13 years and up. (However, not allowed in Priority Serneke Arena and Valhalla IP)
Rule 2:5 "Point marking" a player is allowed in each age category.
Rule 8:10 "Last 30 Sec" - Does NOT apply in Partille World Cup
§ 2 Competition form
2.1 Who can participate in Partille World Cup
Partille World Cup is open to all the club teams in the world. School teams from countries outside the Nordic region are also allowed to participate. From countries that, according to the IHF, are not classified as A- or B-nation, National or Regional teams may also participate in the tournament. National Teams and Regional Teams outside the Nordic Countries, however not teams in Europe from IHF’s A and B nations.
2.2 Competition form
The tournament begins with a qualification round. Teams are divided into groups of 6-7 teams, where all teams play against each other. 2 points will be awarded for a win, 1 point for a draw and 0 points for a loss. All teams advance to Playoff. A, B or C.
If two or more teams have the same number of points in the group, the order between affected teams will be decided as follows:
1. Points (head-to-head)
2. Goal difference (head-to-head)
3. Most scored goal (head-to-head)Difference in goals
Goals scored
Drawing of lots
2.3 Playoff
Played on Friday and Saturday and decided according to a cup model, direct elimination. In case of a draw after full time, extra time (sudden death) will be played, where the first goal decides. Extra time will start after a coin toss at the center of the field.
Playoff Structure 10-15 years:
1st-2nd place in the group advance to the A-Playoff
3rd-4th place advance to the B-Playoff
The other teams advance to the C-Playoff
Playoff Structure 16-21 years:
1st-3rd place in the group advance to the A-Playoff
The other teams advance to the B-Playoff
See deviation from the above under 2.4 Elite Groups
2.4 Elite Groups for age categories B/G16 - 18
Age categories G16, B16, G18 and B18 have elite groups where 12 teams in each age category will have the opportunity to participate in one of two elite groups.
Group and Playoffs. The elite groups are part of the same competition class and playoff as the other teams, but 5 out of 6 teams from the elite groups will advance to the A-finals, compared to 3 out of 6 from the regular groups. The top 3 places are ranked in the A-finals as group winners, with the 4th place as the 2nd in the group, and the 5th place as the 3rd in the group. The 6th place will proceed to the B-finals and be ranked as 4th in the group.
Application and Verification
Teams participating in the following categories: Girls 16, Boys 16, Girls 18, and Boys 18 can apply for a spot in the elite group. Registration is done as usual, but the application must be sent by email to [email protected] by April 1st along with a motivation. Our competition group will verify that the team meets the required level before participation is confirmed, which will occur on April 15th.
§ 3 Age categories 2025
B21 - Boys born 1/1 2004 or later
B18 - Boys born 1/1 2007 or later
B16 - Boys born 1/1 2009 or later
B15 - Boys born 1/1 2010 or later
B14 - Boys born 1/1 2011 or later
B13 - Boys born 1/1 2012 or later
B12 - Boys born 1/1 2013 or later
B11 - Boys born 1/1 2014 or later
B10 - Boys born 1/1 2015 or later
G21 - Girls born 1/1 2004 or later
G18 - Girls born 1/1 2007 or later
G16 - Girls born 1/1 2009 or later
G15 - Girls born 1/1 2010 or later
G14 - Girls born 1/1 2011 or later
G13 - Girls born 1/1 2012 or later
G12 - Girls born 1/1 2013 or later
G11 - Girls born 1/1 2014 or later
G10 - Girls born 1/1 2015 or later
§ 4 Match time
All categories play 2 x 15 minutes.
However, the playoff in B21, G21, B18 and G18 play 2 x 20 minutes.
§ 5 Number of players
A team may use a maximum of 17 players per game, 1 + 6 on the field. You may use the same player from a club in various teams but NOT in the same age or younger category. All players must be licensed for the club they play for at Partille World Cup.
§ 6 Proof of age and participant list
Each team must submit a list of players to the Partille World Cup administration before their first match in the tournament. All players MUST be able to identify themselves and to certify their age with a valid passport. ID documents which expired after May 1 are also considered to be valid. Please note, a copy of the passport or ID document is not accepted. Random age controls can be made on all playing fields used during Partille World Cup.
All teams must complete the participants list digitally at Partille Cup Account. The list of participants should be printed from Partille Cup Account and be brought as a physical copy.
If a team uses an unqualified player, they will be excluded from the tournament.
Injured player(s) may be replaced on the list of participants if there is a medical certificate and the number of players on the list of participants is less than 17, after the exclusion of the injured player.
If you need to edit your team list ahead of the tournament you need to email us at [email protected]
§ 7 Dispensation
Dispensation can be applied for a maximum of two players.
These players must already have a dispensation issued by their country or district association or be able to prove participation with the team from the previous season. This applies for dispensations issued due to over aged players or mixed teams or if other special conditions. Age dispensation can only be applied for players who are a maximum one year older.
Teams that have not applied for and received an approved dispensation will play outside the competition and their results will be written to 0-10 in each match.
Dispensation must be applied for no later than June 1. After June 1, no dispensation applications will be processed unless there are special reasons. Dispensations that are processed after June 1 are subject to an administrative fee of €50.
Dispensation can only be applied for via the team’s page at Partille Cup Account.
Please note that you may not have more over aged players on the participant list who switch with each other between matches.
Please note that the rules for age division must continue to be followed in mixed teams.
§ 8 Match information
8.1 Team list
A written team list must be filled out before every game. You can find the team list sheet at Partille Cup Account before the tournament start.
The number each player has on the team list must be the same as the number of the shirt. Only players that are listed on the participant list can be listed on the team list.
The team list shall not handed to a specific staff member before the game but needs to be available from the coach upon requests during your games.
Random controls of team list and participant list will be carried out.
8.2 Players uniforms
All team shirts must be numbered, and the numbers must correspond to the numbers on the team list.
Numbers must be on the back of the shirts. Two players may not use the same number in any given match.
If the referee decides that one team should change shirts due to similarity to the opposing team’s shirts, the team appearing last in the match schedule must change.
8.3 At the match
All teams must be ready and dressed at the field, 15 minutes before the throw-off.
It is allowed to use glue in the matches during Partille World Cup from 13 years old. (Except from on the fields Valhalla 1-6 and Prioritet Serneke Arena 1-6, at these fields glue is not allowed).
All players must be insured.
It's the home team's (first team in the match schedule) responsibility to adjust the score board during the match. However, the official final result should always be confirmed by the referees. The score board is just an indicator of the result. Referees make the the final decision of the score and also counts the score during the games.
At the start of the match, the throw-off is taken by the team that is first in the match schedule.
We change side at half time.
Team cannot request team time out. No time out at seven meters throws.
A team that leaves the playing field during a match is disqualified from the tournament.
It is recommended to use shoes for soccer on all artificial grass fields. It’s not allowed to use shoes with metallic studs.
It is not allowed to wear dishwasher gloves during matches, as it is not part of the match outfit, or the equipment used when playing handball.
Each team is responsible for its own supporter’s behavior. Bad supporters’ behavior or conduct can result in team’s exclusion from the tournament.
All team leaders (maximum 6) must be indicated with their names on the team list. Only these officials are allowed to be in the technical area.
If there are no markings for the technical area it is an area of 8 meters along the sideline where the substitutes are located.
The responsible team leader (coach) must immediately after the match sign the referee’s match protocol to confirm the match result, red cards, and other events during the match. Failure to sign may result in a notification to the Partille World Cup competition jury.
A player who gets a direct red card will be automatically suspended in the next match. The team leader will be responsible for following up.
8.4 Balls
The home team must bring a correct size and authorized ball to the match. If both teams agree, another ball size may be used. It is allowed to use three balls in every match. The referee must authorize them all. The two balls not being used must be placed on the ground next to each goal.
Ball size used:
B21, B18: Ball size 58–60 cm, weight 425–475 g (IHF size 3)
G21, G18, B16, B15: Ball size 54–56 cm, weight 325–375 g (IHF size 2)
G16, G15, B14, B13: Ball size 50–52 cm, weight 290–330 g (IHF size 1)
G14, G13, G12, G11, G10, B12, B11, B10: Ball size 46-50 cm, weight 250-300 g (Size 0 according to Swedish Handball Federation)
Balls in A-Finals
In the A-finals on Saturday, we play with balls from our main partner, Hummel.
Balls will be provided before the finals start from the secretary.
§ 9 Referees
More than 350 referees from 30 countries are participating. The referees are chosen from a selection process and appointed to matches at their normal level. Final referees are appointed based on performance during the week.
The coordinator of the referees during the tournament will be available at Heden. If you have comments about the referees, you are more than welcome to leave your feedback. We also have referee area mangers at every venue and you can find them at the match card / referee - tents.
§ 10 Tournament jury
The tournament jury is composed of indipendent representatives. The jury decides protests and penalties. The jury’s rulings cannot be changed or overruled.
§ 11 Protests and penalties
11.1 Protests
Protests must be notified to the competition secretariat via e-mail or phone within 15 minutes after the actual match is finished. Then within 60 minutes the protest must be handed in and signed by the team manager to the competition secretariat at Heden Center.
A signed match card by the team manager is required if a protest to be considered valid.
The protest fee (1000 SEK) must be paid at the same time. It will be returned if the protest is accepted.
Note: The score board/webpage/application is just an indicator of the result. Referees make the the final decision of the score and also counts the score during the games.
11.2 Suspension
Any player given direct red card is automatically suspended from participation in the following match. This match also follows to the playoffs if it occurs the last group stage match.
The tournament jury can decide about suspension for further matches in case of a direct red card.
Each team has the responsibility that a suspended player does not participate in a match/es where he or she is suspended.
Severe offenses will be reported to the Handball Federation of the nation concerned.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If a player that is suspended participates in a match, the team with the suspended player automatically loses the game with 0-10.
§ 12 Walk Over and abandoned match
12.1 Walk Over
A team that does not show up without a legitimate reason will lose the match with 0-10. If this happens more than once, the team may be excluded from the tournament. If there are compelling reasons the jury can exclude a team on the first offence. For example, if a deliberate walk over benefits the own or another team in the group. The Tournament Jury has the right to re-schedule WO match.
12.2 Abandoned match
If a match is interrupted for some reason and can’t be played to the end, the tournament jury will decide if the match must be replayed or decided by penalty shoot-out or restarted from the minute when it was interrupted, or if the result will be fixed or if one of the teams or both teams lose 0-10.
§ 13 Playing fields
All the playing fields are on artificial turf.
The playing fields are divided in the following areas: Heden, Kviberg, Härlanda and Valhalla IP.
If there are bad weather matches can be moved to other fields.
§ 14 Match schedule
The competition committee has the right to make changes in groups, times and playing fields. Any changes to the schedule may occur without contact with the teams until 24 hours before the start of the match. Should changes be made within a shorter time frame the team leaders concerned will be informed via phone and email. Keep your team updated with the schedule online via our mobile app and website.
§ 15 Organizer
IK Sävehof organizes Partille World Cup.
§ 16 Regulations for school accommodation
16.1 General
The team manager, as indicated on the participant list, is responsible for any damage caused by his or her players.
Consumption of alcoholic beverages is absolutely forbidden in the schools.
Silence is prescribed in each school between 23.00-06.00.
Before departure, you must clean your classroom.
We urge all participants and leaders to never leave valuables or money unattended at the school.
16.2 To prevent fire
Smoking is prohibited in the schools.
It is forbidden to cook, make coffee or make other types of food in the classrooms and corridors.
It is forbidden to hang clothes or other combustible materials in the corridors.
It is forbidden to move desks and chairs etc. out of the classrooms into corridors or other public areas.
Please note that doors between the corridors and the stairs must be closed at all times.
Failure to comply with these rules will result in disciplinary actions and may result in exclusion from the tournament and accommodation.
§ 17. Insurance and responsibility
17.1 Responsibility
By registering to participate in Partille World Cup, the registrant (who is the team leader in charge or someone else tasked by the team leader in charge) verifies that the team leader in charge has been made aware of these stipulations and that the team leader in charge has the necessary authority and permission from the participants, the participants’ guardians, and the registered association. Participation in the tournament is at the participants’ own risk and the team leader in charge is responsible for all participants whom the team leader has registered, which should be included in the list of participants.
17.2 Insurance
The team leader in charge is obligated to ensure that all participants are insured on the playing field. Each participant is responsible for his or her personal insurance off the field. Participants from countries that have no medical insurance agreement with Sweden must have personal medical insurance. Neither Partille World Cup nor the organizer has collective insurance to cover injuries, illness, theft, or damages.
Neither Partille World Cup nor the organizer is responsible for compensation, and they are also not responsible for financial losses or damages that may occur due to events outside the control of Partille World Cup or the organizer, such as war-like events, fire, flood, interruptions in public transport connections, government actions, strike, or other similar circumstances.