We create the world´s largest meeting place for youth handball players. A place where differences of colours, culture or gender doesn´t matter. Where respect and understanding is the foundation and playing handball together with thousands of people from all over the world is a tool. With our projects we aim to give opportunity for educational and active lifestyle.
Partille World Cup Foundation is a collection of projects that Partille World Cup runs in order to give children and youths who otherwise would not have had the chance, the opportunity for educational and active leisure time.
Recycle your materials
With Handball AID, materials are recycled, at the right place. This way it will be used for the purpose of what the product was created. And that is a good thing.
Partille World Cup is dedicated to making a smaller impact on our earth and among the people. Handball AID is one way to do it. We collect stuff that normally would be trash and give new life to it by giving it to people who needs it. Another way is making the tournament a meeting place that creates understanding and knowledge of different cultures and ways of living among the world’s young handball player
The Olympic Development Program started in 2011 in collaboration with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the International Handball Federation (IHF). The project is for countries with development potential in handball that are invited to a week of training camp where seminars and training with games and technology are held. The idea is that these countries will be so inspired by handball that they continue to develop it in their home countries.
A large number of countries participated as Bangladesh, Chile, England, India, China, Singapore, Scotland and the USA.
The founder of Partille Cup
Gunnar Quist, whose idea in 1962 was to start the world’s largest youth handball tournament, passed away in 2011. Partille Cup became and still is that meeting place for all young handball players in the world that Gunnar dreamed of.
In his memory Partille Cup started a fund with the aim to promote development of international youth handball and training, education, research and other similar and compatible activities within it. Scholarships may be awarded to leaders, players, national team activities, club team activities, referees, events etc.
Creating opportunities to participate
Each year, several teams compete in the tournament with contributions from Partille World Cup’s Fundraising program. Teams that would otherwise not have had an opportunity to participate in the tournament. With the help of the project many more teams from less developed countries have the opportunity to participate and contribute to create – A World of Handball.