Covid-19 information
Welcome to Partille Cup 2021 We know how much handball and Partille Cup mean to so many young people and leaders around the world. We hope and believe that a tournament will be possible to complete this summer.

The situation is still severe and none of us is left unaffected. But the situation varies in different parts of the world as well as laws and restrictions applicable in each country. The forecast regarding vaccinations for the spring and summer is positive. The registration for the summer is open and you are welcome to register your team.
Right now, we are working on planning and adapting the tournament to be able to implement it according to the laws, recommendations and regulations that may apply this summer. The safety of our participants and officials is our highest priority.
Partille Cup is a much appreciated meeting place for young people. The need for this type of meetings and experiences that we provide enable us to understand that it is important to you. It has become very clear now that the regular season and everyday life has changed. We hope that we can all continue with our daily activities as soon as possible to create joy and community – and something to look forward to.
We can state that there will not be as many teams and nations participating in this year’s tournament as usual. How many and which nations will be able to participate is too early to answer right now. Nevertheless, we are planning for a Partille Cup with all its content that makes us so unique.
We are grateful for the understanding and trust you have shown. We will do everything to live up to your expectations and sincerely hope that we can welcome you to a safe tournament this summer.
You can cancel your participation with a full refund of the registration fee until 2021-05-01. If the tournament cannot be implemented, teams will receive a full refund of both registration fees and participation fees.
Contact Us
If you have questions regarding your participation or anything else, please contact us. We will help you via email, phone or chat.