HEI Håndbold won the last match of the tournament
They are the champions of the B15 category

HEI Håndbold can declare themselves the winners of the B15 category after defeating Hellerup IK in the tournament's final match.
- We’ve done incredibly well, says Theodor McCormick, a player for the winning team.
On Saturday afternoon, the final match of the Partille World Cup 2024 was played. The last game on the schedule was the B15 final, which featured an all-Danish matchup between Hellerup IK and HEI Håndbold.
The first half was heavily influenced by the rain pouring down over Fristad Arena 2. Despite the weather, it was an entertaining and evenly matched half of handball. Hellerup scored the first goal, but HEI Håndbold quickly responded with three consecutive goals. At halftime, the score was 5-3 to HEI Håndbold, but everything was still to play for in the second half.
As the second half began, the rain had subsided, and HEI Håndbold quickly took control. Halfway through the second half, they had extended their lead to 11-6.
After Hellerup equalized twice, HEI Håndbold regained the momentum and managed to close the game with a few more goals. The final score was set at 15-11, making HEI Håndbold the champions of the B15 category.
- It’s an amazing feeling. I’m proud of the whole team, says Theodor McCormick, the MVP of the final match.
Theodor McCormick has participated in the Partille World Cup before, but this year was the first time he won.
- You enjoy it even more because we’ve been here and failed before, he says.