Many teams want to participate in Partille Cup 2022
Partille World Cup

Many teams want to participate in Partille Cup 2022

Now, when the restrictions has been lifted many teams have shown interest in participating in Partille Cup next summer. The number of registered teams are at the same level as the record year 2019.

Since the registration opened in September the registrations have come in at a steady pace. Now, the number of registered teams are about the same, at this time, as in the record breaking year 2019, which are very good news as it shows that teams long to play tournaments again. Now, when the registration has been lifted, clubs from both Sweden and many European countries have registered their teams and secured their spots for next summer's tournament.

It is very joyful news that the number of registrations is at the same level as the record year 2019. It gives us faith in the future, but above all it gives the team's something positive to look forward to. - Fredrik Andersson, General secretary Partille Cup

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