Mashrhino Sports Academy winners of best outfit - Partille Cup
Partille World Cup

Mashrhino Sports Academy winners of best outfit

The prize for best outfit during the opening ceremony has now been awarded to a happy team from Zimbabwe.

Mashrhino Sports Academy has won Partille World Cup’s prize for best outfit during the opening ceremony. The team from Zimbabwe win free participation, with accommodation included, for up to 15 people at Partille World Cup next summer.
– We are so happy and we are so grateful, says Lorraine Mhlanga.

The players in Mashrhino Sports Academy was really, really happy when we surprised the team with the good news.
– We are so excited. We are so happy and we are so grateful. It’s very awesome to be here. I feel excited about the tournament, says Lorraine Mhlanga.

They loved the evening in Scandinavium together with over 12 400 other excited people.
– The opening ceremony was very nice. I really enjoyed it, says the player.
They wore nice clothes from their home country during the opening ceremony. She’s happy about their outfit.
– It’s very beautiful and it represents our culture. I’m very, very happy about representing Zimbabwe in Partille World Cup. It feels very well, says Lorraine Mhlanga.

Congratulations and we’re looking forward to see you again next year, Mashrhino Sports Academy!



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