Partille World Cup 2024 is underway - Partille Cup
Partille World Cup

Partille World Cup 2024 is underway

Malthe Johannsen scored the first goal of the tournament

Partille World Cup is underway. On Tuesday morning, the ball was thrown into the air for the first time. Malthe Johannsen, a player for the Danish side Rødekro-Aabenraa Håndbold, scored the first goal of Partille World Cup 2024.
- It's very nice, says Malthe.

At eight o'clock on Tuesday morning, the first matches of Partille World Cup 2024 were played. At 1 Fristad Arena, Danish Rødekro-Aabenraa Håndbold played against Irish St Brendans College in the B16 category. The match ended 19-4 in favor of the Danish team.
- I am satisfied with the team's performance. I think we can play better, but overall, I'm happy with the performance, says Malthe Johannsen.
- It was really fun to play. Above all, it is very fun to play against teams from other countries.

The first goal of the match, and thus the entire tournament, was scored by Danish player Malthe Johannsen.
- I think it feels cool; it’s definitely something I will remember, he says.

Last year was Malthe's first time participating in the Partille World Cup. He has been looking forward to returning ever since.
- It's very fun to come back because now you can enjoy it in a completely different way. Last year, it took a while to get into it, but this year you can just relax and go for it from the start, he says.

Do you have any favorite memories from last year?
- The best part was spending time and doing things together with the team. We went swimming and had a really fun week.

After the victory in the first match, Malthe and his team have high hopes for the week, both on and off the field.
- The goal is obviously to go as far as possible, but also to enjoy the whole event and our week here in Gothenburg, says Malthe.

Rødekro-Aabenraa Håndbold's next match is against Danish Skanderborg HB 2 tomorrow at 13:15 at 4 Fristad Arena.



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