The handball parent: "I have only seen good behavior"
Celebrate the Game is a fair play project that Partille Cup runs to create a better environment and a better climate for everyone, on and off the field.

"The parents cheer for everyone" is one of Celebrate the Games' important messages. Öystein Indergaard from the Norwegian club Charlottenlund is one of the parents that loves the fair play spirit in Partille Cup.
– I have only seen good behavior in the tournament, says Öystein Indergaard.
He likes the atmosphere at Partille Cup.
– It’s lovely. It’s lovely weather and tough games. It’s quite good to be here. We’re here with Charlottenlunds’ B16 team from Norway, says the parent.
He lists a lot of good things about the tournament.
– We’re used to play handball inside. When we play outside and it’s this lovely weather, it’s amazing. I love the gathering. It’s a lot of people and noice and the boys are happy.
Öystein Indergaard always advocates fair play.
– Fair play is of course important in handball. It’s a very good fair play spirit here in Partille Cup and it's good referees. I have only seen good behavior, with fair play and happy people, he says.
He enjoys being a handball parent.
– It’s lovely. I’m also a football parent. I like both. I follow the boys. I’m also a football coach for many of these boys. It’s nice to be here with them. It’s a nice way to spend the holiday, says Öystein Indergaard.
Here you can nominate to Fair Play Trophy.