The registration for Partille Cup is now open - Partille Cup
Partille World Cup

The registration for Partille Cup is now open

From now on, you can register your teams for Partille Cup 2024 and prepare for a fantastic week in Gothenburg next summer.

The registration for next year’s edition of Partille Cup is now open. We can’t wait to see you again in Gothenburg next summer.

Partille Cup 2023 was an amazing tournament. 1191 teams from 40 countries participated. Over 101 000 goals were scored on more than 71 fields. The registration for Partille Cup 2024 has now opened. The last day of registration is the first day of April but please register as soon as possible, so we can plan for the fantastic week and make it as unforgettable as possible for you and your teammates.

Make sure to register your teams HERE.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected].



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