The tight schedule is not an issue for HIB Handball Graz - Partille Cup
Partille World Cup

The tight schedule is not an issue for HIB Handball Graz

"If I had the chance to play the next match now, I would take it"

For the HIB Handball B18 team, the tight match schedule that Partille World Cup entails is no problem.
– I could play another match right now, says Faruk Grinicic, a player for the Austrian team.

The playoffs at Partille World Cup are underway. On Friday morning, the Austrian HIB Handball Graz played against the German BTB Aachen 1 in the B18 playoffs. It was a match that the Austrian team emerged victorious from.
– Going into the match, my hopes were quite low, but as soon as we took an early lead, I felt that we had it," says Faruk Grinicic.

For Faruk Grinicic, it has been a good week, and qualifying for the A playoffs was entirely according to plan.
– Partille World Cup is a fantastic experience. Reaching the A playoffs was exactly what we aimed for, and we felt confident about our chances of getting there before the tournament. I am pleased with both the tournament and our performances, he says.

During the tournament, matches come thick and fast, with teams playing multiple matches in a day. For Faruk Grinicic, the tight match schedule is not a problem, and he looks forward to getting back on the field again.
– The physical part isn't particularly tough; it's the mental part that needs a bit of time to recharge. But if I had the chance to play the next match right now, right after this one, I would take it, he says. 

For Faruk Gradinicic and his teammates, it's now about recharging for their next match in the A playoffs.
– Now it's all about regrouping and focusing on the next playoff match," he says.

HIB Handball Graz will play the 1/16-finals in the A playoffs against HK Aranäs at 12:45 on Heden 11 - Hummel.



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