Very high interest in Partille Cup 2024 - Partille Cup
Partille World Cup

Very high interest in Partille Cup 2024

We had a lot of registrations already during the first day.

Around 100 teams from eight countries signed up for the tournament during the first day of registration. Kolbotn IL was the very first club that registered teams.

Teams from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Argentina, Switzerland, Germany, France and Spain have signed up for Partille Cup 2024 and teams from more countries will sign up soon. We're very happy about the big interest in the tournament so early on.

The Norwegian club Kolbotn IL signed up directly when we opened the registration 10 AM yesterday. They will play with three teams in the G15 category.
– We signed up quickly this year to be sure to be included. We've heard a lot of good things about the cup from other Kolbotn teams. In addition, we have previously participated in two other tournaments in the area and the girls thrive in Gothenburg and at Liseberg, says the leader Kristian Eikeland.

Sign up your teams HERE.



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