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Welcome to Partille Cup 2021 We know how much handball and Partille Cup mean to so many young people and leaders around the world. We hope and believe that a tournament will be possible to complete this summer.
Partille World Cup
Now the referee application is open for this summer’s tournament. Before every tournament the referee team of Partille Cup is presented an inspiring challenge; to select the perfect mix of competent referee couples from all over the world with a blend of ambition and experience.
This is some captions from the previous finals and surrounding atmosphere that you can experience during the finals of Partille Cup.
We want to wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our friends, participants and partners.
Partille Cup – World of Handball are planning for a tournament in 2021. We constantly follow current national and international restrictions. In order to be as prepared as possible we open up for registration.
This year has been special in many ways. We are aware that Covid-19 has changed the lives for a lot of people and left few untouched. In times like these, there must still be positive things to look forward to and be able to be happy about.
Would you like to arrive to the matches with extra charged batteries? Then we can highly recommend booking hotel accommodation with soft and cozy pillows! We welcome both teams and travel companions! Booking your hotel via us will give you the best price as well as the highest service level throughout.
Partille Cup – World of Handball is pleased to announce to you referees that work is in full swing on planning for a tournament in 2021. Registration for the teams opened on October 10 and we have received a good response. Already 30 minutes after the registration had opened up, more than 200 teams had registered.
This year, a record number of teams registered the first day. After 30 minutes, the record from previous years was broken. Over 200 teams had then registered for next year’s tournament. The vast majority of teams chose the hotel category.
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